What is Neuroskeletal Re-Alignment Therapy?
Since basic trials in the mid 1980’s this treatment is now well established and is supported by PhD research in the Department of Physiology at the University of Adelaide. The treatment I use builds on 40 years of clinical practice. It has impressed many thousands of patients with high success rates. For this reason I rarely need to advertise and always have a waiting list of clients waiting for appointments. I trained in Adelaide, South Australia in 1997 and have developed it since in to what is now Neuroskeletal Re-alignment Therapy.

What is this therapy?
It is a non-manipulative technique for treatment of pain, limited movement associated with injury, misalignment and bad posture. The aim is to align joint structures and allow adjoining muscles to work at their optimum. This removes stress from ligaments, tendons and cartilage so that wear and tear is reduced and tensions and pain disappear. Patients feel “shifting” sensations during treatment plus other sensations of tingling and heat as the body adjusts. It is all quite pleasant though and clients normally drift off during the treatment. It is difficult to explain what it feels like, even when you have had a treatment, but it it definately a deeply relaxing experience. One of my elderly clients who had polio told me that she felt like it was going on holiday as she always felt so refreshed afterwards. She also felt she could walk better after treatment, which is why she returned on a regular basis.
Why is it different from other therapies?
The main difference from our approach compared to orthodox treratment is that the whole body is re-aligned at every treatment, as opposed to only symptomatic areas being targeted. Further to this, peripheral joints can also be treated if required with extra points. We do this whole treatment to treat not only the localized site but also to sort out any compensatory effects that may have occurred. This reduces recovery time and the need for ongoing adjustment and treatments. People want to get better as fast as possible and are always pleased with the immediate results, even after one treatment.
Unlike manipulative therapies, there is no bone cracking/crunching and as I have already highlighted, it is highly relaxing to receive. No clothing is removed except shoes which makes it easier for people to try as they do not feel uncomfortable having to remove clothing in front of a stranger. I am still amazed how many people are afraid to try massage therapy because of this issue, but once they have met you as a Re-alignment Practitioner, they are more likely to allow you to massage them once they feel they can trust you and of course see the results of your work. Most of the time, I will offer at least one session of deep tissue remedial massage becuase if an area has been tight and out of alignment for many years, there will be a need to stimulate the musle tissues to release tightness and adhesions and to release lactic acid that has built up that may be restricting movement at joints.
The main reason I love this therapy so much is that people feel different immediately after getting off the couch. Therefore, the client feels happy as they leave the treatment room knowing that something has changed immediately. They always book their follow up session there and then. On average, 3 to 4 sessions is all they need anyway. It is highly satisfying as a therapist to see a real difference as clients walk out of your treatment room as that is what you have trained for. I have literally had clients crawling in on the hands and knees becuase of severe back pain and walk out after a treatment. Even someone suddenly being able to reach their feet to tie their shoe laces is exciting!

How does it work?
Gentle and controlled pressure is applied to specific nerve points or neuropoints as we call them, that stimulate tension activity to cause change within and around a stressed muscle. The only tools required are the therapist’s middle fingers. This works on a neurofeedback loop between the sensory nerves, brain and motor nerves.
Postural Analysis
I also do a postural analysis of the body before each treatment. This involves looking at every aspect of how they are holding themselves. It’s quite a strange thing to have a therapist walking around you and writing things down! During this time I also palpate to assess where tightness and pain is in the body. Another postural check is done from time to time to see and note the improvements on subsequent visits. Where the client has had X-rays taken, I ask them to obtain them from the hospital. Ideally I request the radiology report as this helps me to understand what is going on and an x-ray is very useful when treating people who have a scoliosis.
Why do people like it?
As stated above the fact that no clothing is removed makes it easier for try, especially for those who have not considered complementary therapies before. The other advantage is the fact that as there is no forced manipulation, you cannot make anyone worse or cause them pain during treatment. During the treatment you usually lie face down in the prone position and the therapist uses their middle fingers to apply light pressure on various parts of your body. Additional points can be done at the shoulders, knees and head. After treatment, which takes about 35 minutes you are asked to slowly get up. You might feel light headed but soon come around. Your therapist will check your posture for changes and ask you to move areas that were previosly painful or stiff to assess the immediate improvements. You will be given water to drink and advised not to overdo it fo rthe next 48 hours, even if you feel terrific! Your therapist will give lots of aftercare advice specific to your needs.
To summarise, cliients like this treatment because:
it is non-invasive (clothes kept on
no forced manipulation
it cannot make them worse
generally only a few treatments are required
people can come off painkillers
they can get on with life and enjoy life again
because it works!
What type of conditions can it help?
I see quite a wide range of conditions in my practice but the most common ones are as follows:

Whiplash Injuries
Sciatic Pain
Disc Problems
Ankylosing Sponydilitis
Cervical Spondylitis
General Back Pain
Pain and restricted movement in joints
Arthritis Management
People often ask "can it help me"? and I always answer that it is worth a try as I have seen incredible results. Of course if there is a congenital disorder or severe degenerative problem then the results are more limited but clients have still reported an improvement in movement and therefore the quality of life. As clients get a result after just one treatment it is always worth trying becuase you know straight away whether or not this is going to have a positive effect and in the majority of cases it does.
As therapists, we always need to have treatments ourselves and I make sure that I have a neuroskeletal treatment regularly. I had an accident myself when I was 17 years of age and broke many bones and spent several months in hospital. This treatment worked for me where nothing else had and that is why I travelled to Australia as I just had to learn it. It was the best thing I have ever done.
If you would like a treatment or would like to read up more about the therapy, please do visit the official

website that I have created at www.neuroskeletal.org. You can find a therapist there who are all members of Complementary Health Professionals so that we can be assured of their ongoing training and insurance. I see clients at my clinic in Desborough, Northants, so please do get in touch if you would like to give the therapy a try and live near.
If you are a therapist and reading this and would like to train, I do offer the diploma Course, which is accredited by Complementary Health Professionals. You can find out more about it by clicking here. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and please do contact me if you have any questions.