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Oriental Health Concepts
including Acupressure, Facial & Tongue Diagnosis (online course)

This online course is aimed at body work therapists who are interested in the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and want to incorporate this into their practice. It includes the study and practice of acupressure and also looks at two popular methods of diagnosis - Facial and Tongue diagnosis.

This course is also suitable for anyone wanting to generally learn about the concepts of oriental health and diagnosis as it covers everything you need to know. In this case, you do not have to complete the coursework for certification.

Here is the course content:

  • What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

  • What is Qi or Chi?

  • What is the 5 element theory?

  • What are the external and internal influences of dis-ease?

  • What is the meridian system and how does it work?

  • What are acupoints and how to they affect well-being and or dis-ease?

  • How can acupoints be activated without using needling techniques?

  • How to apply acupressure techniques

  • How does Facial and tongue diagnosis work in TCM?

  • Contraindications and cautions for acupressure work

  • Aftercare advice when using the meridian system and acupoints

The course includes lots of practical exercises and for those who require certification for their practice and insurance purposes, there is also some coursework and case studies to complete.You will achieve 12 CPD points upon successful completion of your coursework.


The cost of this certified and accredited CPD course is £150.00

CHP Premier members get a £10 discount


Contact us

All information on this site is copyrighted to Carole Preen and Dan Stephens


Last updated November 2024

King's House, King's Street, Thetford, Norfolk, United Kingdom
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